My Portfolio!

Affiliations. Welcome!


New Orleans, LA 70117

Hello! My name is Marcus, and this is my porftollio website. The purpose of this site is to document, share, and showcase both my personal and professional interests. I’ve included this about page to briefly introduce myself and talk about what you can find here.

My life can be characterized between spending hours of my day either behind a computer screen researching or outside enjoying the sun. So, I thought, how can I blend my dichotomous lifestyle into one? It turns out I can use the power data to describe and tell stories about the natural environment. I find the intersection of technology and the environment to be fascinating. You will find projects that I have made on my free time that synthesize these two realms and hopefully bring to light interesting results.

I will also use this platform to talk about my studio, Lapin’s Workshop. I co-founded this community space…

latest posts

May 01, 2024 My First Post!